Know Your Supplier: Sustain Best Quality
What makes food good? Well, let’s start with what goes into making it. At Noble, we’re raising bison without the use of antibiotics or added growth hormones on over 9,000 acres of grassland. Over our many years of farming and ranching in Canada we’ve discovered this simple truth—what’s good for the bison is good for our customers, too.
Know Your Supplier: Sustain best quality
‘Quality’ is one of those words that has lost its import, due to overuse and underperformance. So, how does one define quality? Seth Godin, a writer, marketer and thought-leader, describes ‘quality’ as an important two-fold concept, one that does not work without the other:
“Quality of design: Thoughtfulness and processes that lead to user delight, that make it likely that someone will seek out a product, pay extra for it or tell a friend. Quality of manufacture: Removing any variation in tolerances that a user will notice or care about.”
Value goes hand in hand with quality, and we’re talking more than nutritional value. Building and maintaining a delightful client experience, and the processes to deliver on that experience, is how we’ve built our Noble Premium Bison brand.
When it comes to quality of design, we’re making sure our retail cuts are consistently available to retailers and consumers right across Canada. Our packaging is informative and eco-conscious, our products are hand cut and shipped fresh every week. And we have a website loaded with bison recipes, information and resources to help consumers understand the value of bison as a protein.
As a long standing supplier to the hospitality industry in Canada and Europe, we know what you care about when it comes to receiving the best quality bison meat. You want youthful animals that have been grass raised without the use of hormones or antibiotics. You care about sustainable ranching and good animal husbandry from farm to plant. And you want product that is consistent, safe and tastes amazing.
We want that too. All the processes we’ve put in place support our ability to be able to deliver the best eating experience to our customers. What contributes to that quality eating experience might be a specialized cut, a size, or a specification unique to your restaurant. What takes away from that experience is unpredictability.
Before the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) was in place, producers could only export one quality—premium, grain-finished bison. Now, with CETA in place, Canadian producers can export many different qualities of bison to Europe. When you partner with Noble, you’re assured of premium grass raised and grain finished bison meat from youthful animals, raised without hormones or antibiotics. In our business, we value accountability, predictability and consistency as much as our clients do, and you’ve got our promise that will never change.